Tuesday, June 16, 2009

kitty and kitchen news

somehow, pizza's new name became pizza man. he's terribly cute. there's definitely still a robot inside of him.
then sometimes he looks like this when he hunts and goes mentaland he accidentally breaks things like my vintage ceramic deer family on the kitchen table.i decided to save one fawn with broken ears for the window sill
in other kitchen news, nova loves the new curtains i made.and this is my luxirare style photo of how i start most meals i make.. sizzling garlic.
btw, i recently made the pear/blue cheese/mascarpone cheese/arugula/honey pizza i saw on luxirare and it was FUCKING INSANE! add more blue cheese and salt than you think to make it more savory. i don't have photos because we ate it too quickly. so i'll leave you with a couple bffs.


Margrethe FL said...

The light cat is soo cute :)

sarah thornton said...

you have adorable cats, nova looks like my cat izzy and that last picture is just too cute

She said...

cats can be a pain.

Holly said...

damn your cats are super cute