it's time for the internet to finally meet our new kitten, pizza.

i swear he's a robot. someone has a remote control and is constantly making him do the cutest shit imaginable. there's no way he's coming up with these shenanigans with his own kitten brain.

we found him on, and picked him up from judy's house (his foster mom). her whole house was crammed with cat paintings, stuffed animals and figurines.

nova didn't love him at first at all but after about a week of brainwashing (and help from joe pease, the animal whisperer) they are now best friends.
crap that's cute
omg. he's like, the cutest.
pizza just made my day!! thanks for sharing your lovely little ones :)
i love pizza
I was just at a bar in Lake Forest called Gypsy Lounge and they had all those barbara weber paintings you like. Which reminds me that we have never gone down to Albies the really awesome restaurant with the same paintings and a old dude lounge singer I always told John we should go to. Which reminded me that I never see you or your family. Which kinda sucks.
OMG. I live for Pizza. Get him to pose with some cute boys and I can put him on my new site:
are you two fans of the restaurant chain (Pizza Nova)?
just wondering. miss you both cant wait to meet pizza
Almost enough to convert me to cats. What a cutie...
oh my god. i'm about to die from how cute he is.
xo raquel
he's damn siamese kittens
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