judi rosen has announced that she won't be shipping her spring 09 collection that i've been patiently waiting for. after having her line made locally with love and not much profit, the entire line is now in jeopardy, and i'm really hoping it's temporary. it's such a shame that we'll never see her amazing spring designs.. it was full of floral denim, tight zipper mini dresses and flowy cut out dresses.
good thing i am lucky enough to have that peacock dress in my closet. there are still some more left of her website as well as other good stuff. www.judirosenny.com. and we still have some denim left here in the shop.
hope you come back soon judi.

No!!!! and I just owned my first pair....
if she'd lower her prices just a bit, i'm sure she would make much more profit. i'd buy everything.
Lowering her price would lessen her profit. She makes everything locally so her margins are low (aka doesn't make much off every pair she sells). I'd rather buy a $200 pair of jeans all made locally in NY then a pair of $70 jeans from say the Gap where they have been known o use child labor.
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