Tuesday, February 12, 2008
when juliana hatfield was my chan marshall
i lived most of my teenage years in the early 90's in milwaukee. that's when i was way more emo than i am now - not a black on the outside morrissey type of emo but the kind of emo where i'd much rather sit in my room and paint, sew and listen to music than hang out with a bunch of humans. everyone was into pot and techno and i wasn't. the few girlfriends that i did have would always ditch me for dudes, which i'll never understand. it was kinda lonely sometimes but i was still content sitting in my room thinking i was being radical by taking black and white photos of lesbian barbie dolls. pretty soon i found booze, rv, ak and tim kulas, and then my life in california.
this velvet patchwork skirt is my new favorite piece of gear. like maybe even of all time. thanks hannah. i didn't even have to ask her for one, she just knew. it's something that i'll keep forever and will recycle every decade. i know it's true cause it reminds me of something i would've worn in the early 90's. if i didn't have such skinny legs i'd have to buy a pair of combat boots to wear with it. i just realized i have the exact same hair now as i did back then. minus a few new fine lines forming on my face and one bra size, i look exactly the same as i did 15 years ago. happiness runs in a circular motion. that reminds me, it's probably time for me to get my first mammogram.

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you can wear my new combat boots...
slipping in a donovan quote to a post is always a good idea.
Far Out's blog used to be my favorite. Can she bring it back for summer '08?
oh lonesome milwaukee youth. did you go to Baileys, Bermuda's or Club Marilyn? That was my shit!(circa 90-93) i also got stuck going to raves despite my disdain for techno...
anonymous, you should've read jason kings blog in 03. it was cutting edge.
p.s. the less we ask hannah to come back to cyberspace, the sooner it'll happen. anonymous readers scare the crap out of her.
lori - club marilyn. and mad planet was always my favorite cause it was the first time i danced in public. it made me feel like i was on drugs or something.
oh look at me!!!! im the same size as i was way back when....oh life is soo cool!!! people just dont understand me... im im im good at life!
specially the one person in pheonix...
who does that, look at one blog 16 times in one day>
You're still beautiful, my dear Heather...
-Gina of former Ackley fame
Anonymous is a dickhead! Heather is the best. P.S. she doesn't look a day over 20. There have been times when I've had to beg people to serve her at bars. She is a beautiful person. Sorry about your dumb life.
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